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About R+H

Our History

Rose & Heather was established by Tim and Lucille Heather (nee Rose). The company first started producing round tables from their workshop in Cleveland Rd. Parnell, Auckland in the late 70’s. For clients wishing to match their existing colonial pieces the range proved to be more popular than the small team could produce and they quickly moved and expanded into a large workshop in Panmure Auckland. Lucille ran the showrooms in Newmarket, Remuera, Herne Bay and Christchurch through the 1980s. In the early 90’s the second generation, Martin Bell & Maryjane Heather, joined the firm and expanded the business into Australia through the David Jones Department store chain. By 1995 you could buy R+H product across 20 stores in both New Zealand and Australia. The drive in to Australia also meant a much greater focus on Design and given the footing the company had already established in terms of standard and service, the foundations were set. From this came Trenail, Eden and Tumblehome. Ranges still available today. 

The principles of good design were always simple in terms of creating a classic piece by not “decorating” and the Trenail range in particular exhibited this by using the structural elements as design detail. The company continued to grow and develop opening an outlet in Los Angeles in early 2000. The benefit of exposure to offshore markets helped further develop and confirm the importance of consistency, design and service.

During this time the company won two NZ Export Awards and developed a catalogue of product that used almost exclusively NZ Ancient Swamp Kauri. Today the company continues to export, primarily to Australia and whilst still focused on Ancient Kauri, it utilises it primarily for decorative tops and drawer faces of the cabinetry. American white oak (Ash) now forms a significant volume of product and ties beautifully with the more simple, clean lines of the Newport Range.

since 2017 the company has used the web to stay in contact with its’ Australian clients allowing Martin & Maryjane to focus on design development and production from their Auckland based workshop. They regularly travel to Australia to personally deliver and install client orders and visit new projects.

Their son Elliott is actively involved in the business and brings enthusiasm and verve to a company well established on principles of design, standard and consistency.

Our Mission

To design and produce furniture for homes of a high, consistent standard. To provide a platform for clients to collect their pieces over time with confidence. 

Our Team

From sourcing the Ancient Kauri to delivering the beautiful finished pieces the Rose + Heather team is dedicated to producing furniture pieces that you will use and enjoy for a generation (or two!)


Brett Walker is our Head Craftsman and has been with the company for 25 years. He oversees all products to completion and specialises in our Bespoke and Trenail work. Meticulous attention to detail is Bretts strength and passion. Each piece he has crafted over the years bears his signature.

Annand Rupa leads our Trenail department having completed his apprenticeship with the company. He is meticulous in his attention to detail and the pride he takes in his work shines through each of his finished pieces. The great feature of Trenail is the craft over the cabinetmaking skill required and a patience when taking the time to produce that timeless piece.

Daisuke Yamada  is head of our Newport & Eden range production and is focused on ensuring the product is made to the standard that is R+H. Again, having completed his apprenticeship with the company means the pieces are made without compromise. Dai uses a number of Japanese traditional tools in many applications adding to the unique nature of every piece.

restoration work

Simon Coughlan will be familiar with many of our clients from his work in our Newmarket and Willoughby stores over more than 20 years. Simon now leads the refurbishment department and will often remember the client and year we made the piece that comes back to us for TLC. Truly invested in restoring the pieces to their original state, the end result is one that provides great satisfaction to both client and restorer.

special Ops


Roberto Firmino (Bertie) is our Workshop “Morale Officer”. Always a wagging response and always ready to assist with product testing and site security!

family, management, design and clients

Martin & Maryjane Bell (nee Heather) have had the helm at R+H for more than 25 years. Running a family business has its’ highs and lows but the passion they have for what the company stands for has never wavered. There is a standard and consistency that means their clients have confidence in creating their own collection of R+H favourites over what might be 5 or 10 years. At any time nearly half of the clients are adding to their existing pieces. Maryjane comments, “It makes a difference to our customers. They’re not just buying a beautiful piece of furniture. They’re buying from us because we have a provenance: there’s a strong thread of history entwined in the Rose & Heather story that sets us apart.”

Martin and Maryjane are both based at the Onehunga site,  focusing on production logistics, product design and development. You’ll see both in the showroom and on Workshop Open Days and regularly spend time in Australia on deliveries and client calls. 


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